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Showing posts from March, 2010

The scientist was killed..............

I had just started learning science in my kinder garten days.  Without understanding much of the subject I would still try to grasp it. Learning things by experimenting was never an option given in schools. Nevertheless I always tried to learn things by experimenting. The results of my experiments would never match with the writings of my book. Yet, I never lost the enthusiasm and came out with interesting results. I knew that I could master the subject on my own . But it would turn out to be a real nuisance I could have never imagined.  As a kid I was taught that a seed needs – air, water and sunlight. To my surprise in the very next class, when the teacher  was teaching us social studies she said that a fertilized soil helps a seed to grow........................ The scientist in me could neither agree to the results, nor the theorems until experimented. Since I was a low profile scientist, I did not have my personal study room. The garden was the only place spared to me. Here I coul